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A fat man in a stupid hat that s delusional and believes he is an actual snake that has eaten Jennifer Lopez.

Youtube search I'm a Snake for video evidence of his existence.

I'm a snake. Slitherin in yo garden, catchin me a mouse!

by someduder January 31, 2011

14👍 15👎


Snake is an offensive word for Asians much like the "n" word for blacks. The word snake is used because both Asians and snakes have slitty eyes and are sneaky and evil. One way to make fun of snakes is to his when they walk by. Snake is most common used to describe very Asian people as "snakey" or a specific Asian "the snake". This word can be used as a code so Asians don't know your talking about them or to just make fun of Asians.

Charlie-"Holy shit look it's the snake!"
Katlin(the Asian)-"Ching chong Ching chong!"

by Snakeburner69 October 2, 2012

19👍 26👎


A person who betrays a good friend over something trivial

Ryan threw Thomas under the bus just so he could get a free dinner ticket from annemarie... he's a snake!

by Boabby Bang Bang August 29, 2023


That one fake girl in your class\school who thinks she's better then everyone.

She's such a snake!

by Trumpet toot October 24, 2019


A person who lies behind people’s back 24/7

Look at her talking crap about Anna she’s a snake!!!

by CCEEJOEC August 14, 2018


Kevin Durant

Kevin is a snake

by Marcothecreator February 2, 2019


Snakes have slang of their own. Snakes are two timers that go behind their friends and peoples back. if you ever see a snake, make sure they are also called Sydney, because Sydney's are snakes.

"man! she was being such a Sydney! she told everyone a lie. she's such a snake!

by tony hoop August 24, 2017