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Si mi Tia tuviera ruedas, sería Una bicicleta

Translation: If my aunt had wheels, she would be a bicycle

Used in response to someone saying lots of hypotheticals

Person 1: "Si estuviera presidente..." (If I were president...)
Person 2: "Y si mi Tia tuviera ruedas, sería una bicicleta " (And if my aunt had wheels, she would be a bicycle)

by Drmakneeo November 14, 2014

12👍 10👎

tu madre es una bicicleta porque personas montan su

in spanish it means 'your mom is a bicycle because people ride her!' its a great way to diss your friends with out them knowing what the hell your talking about.

your friend: hey your mom is so fat!!
you: oh yeah well 'tu madre es una bicicleta porque personas montan su!'

by tu madre es tu mama June 15, 2011

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una vez mas

A Spanish phrase

Mean : once again

She is here una vez mas

by Bigpotatochip January 28, 2018


That one type of bitch who is always in love whit Old men especially Mads Mikkelsen .She comes up whit the most stupid ideas.She sends pictures in 3 am of her feet.


by Cherry 🍒🌸🌼🍒 November 21, 2021

Random, una festa a caso

The first and only Random Party in the world.

The coolest party with the coolest fans.
Everyone wants to join the Random Party.

Me: How do you dress for the Random, una festa a caso on Saturday?

Friend: I’ll be wearing something random from my parents’ closet.

by tommasoacaso November 22, 2021

Una Mae

Una Mae is a very creative, beautiful girl.
They often think they are ugly but most of the time they are confident. They can have a little temper sometimes , but they get along with a lot of people . She’s most likely the teachers pet by her cuteness!!!

Una Mae is so cute .

by that girl Ella June 1, 2020

Damien komaru and una

Really cool people

person 1 :who are cool people??
person 2 : Damien komaru and una

by Coke😒 October 6, 2021