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Waterloo high school

Waterloo high school is where all females are hoes, all males are fuck boys. Everyone talks shit. Everyone’s fake. They suck at sports.

Waterloo high school is the trashiest school ever.

by Anonymous asshole December 18, 2018

23👍 13👎

Waterloo Middle School

Waterloo middle school had awesome teachers. It’s a good school district.

My kids love Waterloo Middle School

by Anonymouslyyyyyyyyyyy March 4, 2021

sons of the waterloo

A non-violent knitting cult that likes 'ssoy bloo' (no, that wasn't a typo), and has its own language.

Daren was eager to attend his sons of the waterloo meeting, because he wanted to knit.

by The original sons of the waterloo October 16, 2003

Waterloo at Home

The zestiest ROBLOX game ever that's full of femboys.
Playing it will turn you into a submissive femboy. Run while you can

" Hey, dude! Wanna play Waterloo at Home? "
" Hell nah, I don't wanna participate in a zestfest today dude! "

by elysium333333 May 10, 2024

Waterloo Rizz

Replying to a girl immediately after they've ghosted you for a month

"i had this girls location sharing, we facetimed, i went to visit her at mac, then she started dating this guy she met after one week 💀"

- Matthew Hao explaining his Waterloo Rizz

by oflyn June 13, 2023


Gettin someone at work to admit "That's just the way we've always done it here"

I tried to change the way we do things here, but I was Waterloo'd quite quickly.

by Dangus McGillicutty March 23, 2021


a block where verbalists and tramps are from eg.dylan,byron,ramone,ethan,cole

dylan:i ain’t paid ima go bando and eat a bacon butty (dirty waterloo)

by richard williams January 2, 2021