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Whit Life

pertaining to, and explaining the existence, exploits, awesomeness, perils, and poor life choices of living in the Whiteaker Neighborhood of Eugene, Oregon.

The abundance of hipsters, pbrs 'n pork sodas, food carts, hoppy breweries, fixies, American Spirits, and snarkasm all point to examples of Whit Life.

The life of a Whitizen.

by The Mannimal September 15, 2014

Whit de frik

Used when someone eats your baby and or chew without consent

Oh hey Tom” *tom bites baby without asking* “ Whit de frik Tom that’s my baby

by Wanda eats you January 24, 2023

oo whit

A really smart person with autistic ideals

Oo whit is who I wanna be.

by AhtisticChild February 14, 2018

john whit

Sexy as heck. The lady’s man, he always gets the girls with his sexy hair, and his curvy body.

John Whit is hot.

by Lewis McRight February 15, 2018

Whit Hyde

See chundawonowski.

You a are being such a Whit Hyde.

by Sean Gilpin March 6, 2004

Whit & Stubble

Beard care preferred by fellas

I have used my Whit & Stubble beard oil to keep it looking great.

by Mr Jackstagram December 4, 2017