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Who… Asked?

1. Which when someone says something that nobody wanted to hear.

L “ I have a date to homecoming.”
A “Who?”
L “M-“
A “ ASKED??”
A “Who… Asked?”

by ¿mamá caliente? September 20, 2022

The One Who Asked

No one.

Air is the one who asked

by RandomKyleWasTaken March 19, 2023

who the frick asked

yo mama

who the frick asked

bro your so childish just say who the fuck asked

by Anonymous am I September 9, 2023


"Ppl who asked", are people, that are following a tiktok user named blngler. These people are usually cool as hell.

Ayo, that guy is part of ppl who asked!

by NoWayThatsMe July 15, 2022

who tf asked u

the end all be all of comebacks in the 21st century

friend 1: blah blah blah squirrel blah blah...
friend 2: who tf asked u

by ur mom lmaooo March 25, 2021

national send someone who askes a nude day

if someone send you this definition on the 29 of may you have to send him as many nudes as he wants

friend 1 hey its national send someone who askes a nude day
friend 2 oh dame how many do you want
friend 1 10

by jackalob May 28, 2020

that kid who asked for your number

that random annoying kid who will ask their friend to get their crushes number and immediately get rejected

ew it’s that kid who asked for your number, run

by February 11, 2022