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Another way of saying “yeet” but only when your happy you say yert

Friend: You 2 are dating now

by Yerter March 17, 2019


The Math-ing version of yeet. Used in writing and evaluating function models, often remembered through song.

Laura: Y times E to R-T .

Anna: YERT!!!!

by AlonsyGeronimo July 10, 2020


The action or act of someone yeeting something whilst saying nert.

Yesterday my brother was annoying me alot, and i really wanted to just yert him out the window

by lilbright227 August 15, 2020


yeet + yert = a dumb thing white boys say when they are high and/or drunk

Frat boy 1: YERT!!!!
Frat boy 2: YERT!!!!!

by Tessyourawesomefriend December 7, 2018