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If you had listened someone talking of some kind of “Jojo” they are probably talking about the anime called “JoJo's Bizzarre Adventure” that is very popular at the moment

Example: I really like Jojo. It's very cool.

by KishibeRohan November 23, 2019


jojo is a very very good looking guy but will break your heart and play uu!

hey have u seen that new hot guy name jojo
friend- yes he’s super hot but I heard he’s a player!

by URBEAUTFUIL November 22, 2019


a mark bitch ass peasant who brings nothing to

the table and is only looking for a free handout.

Quit being a jojo and get the fuck outta here!

by Ashyy Larry July 8, 2017

4👍 4👎


No, shut the fuck up with ur JoJo “AHAHAHAHHA ah I get it mudamudamyda

Ora Ora AHAHAHAHHA” trash

Stop, stop it.
JoJo andy

by I lost the big game January 11, 2021

12👍 11👎


Hillbilly, white, buck-toothed bitch.

If you date a Jojo, you nasty

by snafu love June 20, 2016

7👍 8👎


A midwestern US term for grabbing the waistband of someone's underwear from the back and pulling it up as high as possible while screaming "JOJO!"

A.K.A. wedgie, snuggy.

"I jojo'd Dave so bad he'll be shitting fruit-of-the-looms for weeks."

by eats February 28, 2010

19👍 31👎


A Jojo is not a JoJo, that's a different term. A Jojo is a confident, daring person with a large soft side that only their true friends see. They joke around but only the weak minded understand their jokes. They love a nice party. A true Jojo is loyal & is always there for people. Jojo's are a great companion.

Person 1: Omg my boyfriend took me out to dinner and got me a beautiful diamond necklace!
Person 2: He's a real Jojo, that's for sure.
Person 1: Glad I broke up with my last bf, I'm not so fond of JoJo's, lol.

by milliondollarworkamathionson May 16, 2021

2👍 1👎