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Empty Dress

Usually used in regards a woman. after you get past all the glamor and glitz, there is nothing worth staying for.

Man: thought you liked her
Man 2: no turned out to be an empty dress

by Dirk Diggler You Got The Touch August 5, 2011

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Empty Threat

When someone will go and say a consequence for someone's actions, sometimes making it sound realistic sometimes not so much, but none the less there is no intention on following up with those consequences.

"I swear I will leave you Henry after 15 years of marriage if you don't stop drinking"

"yea right, you and your empty threats"

by the sparkler September 12, 2008

142πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Television network formerly known as Music Television.

My girlfriend watches endless amounts of empty-vee.

by blindspot February 18, 2005

39πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

empty child

If you have no soul, you are an empty child. It is a terrible thing.

Jason is an empty child.

by Your second cousin January 11, 2015

Empty the bag

To ejaculate, to blow a load, to cum.

It's been so long since I've been laid, I need to empty the bag.

by T-Knight March 12, 2010

Empty Tango

The act of two females making love... equipment obviously not included.

Circa 1953.

What is presently referred to as: WOW HER WITH MY AWESOMENESS

Window-Peeper: I heard back in the fifties your grandmother got drunk and did the empty tango with Pocky's kinfolk.

Spoon-Licker: What can I say it was the fifties and she needed a College Rec.

Sheep-Cote Clod: I wish I could harass some sheep. If only it wasn't for my stiff peg-legs *looks down sadly*.

by notchaospocky16or18 March 15, 2010

Feeling empty

Feeling alone and depressed with no feelings but agony and never being happy, just blank

β€œI steal the look when you’re not with me I wrote the book on feeling empty”- Lil Peep ft. Horse head GIRLS

by DaAt WaAy September 14, 2018

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