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borderline bestiality

A fetish where a person is romantically involved with or attracted to extremely ugly people.

John: I heard Jack is dating the new girl at work with the upside-down pear shape and muscle back.

Fred: Yea, he's into borderline bestiality. It's a fetish.

by thejumbalia January 3, 2013

2👍 5👎

Bulgarian Bestiality Bro

Bulgarians who enjoy horse porn a bit too much, and are oblivious to the idea of deleting search history.

Hey it's Alex that horse fucker guy. Some call him the Bulgarian Bestiality Bro.

by Anon471 February 21, 2022


to understand the full meaning of this word, we must break it down:
1. Homo - Homosexual

2. Necro - Necrophilia. def. having sex/intercourse with the dead/decease/those who have snuft it/ those pushing up the daisies.

3. Pedo - Pedophile. def. some one who has sex/intercourse with children under the legal age of consent.

4. Bestiality - def. A person who has sex/intercourse with an animal.

Once broken down, the full meaning presents its self: homo-necro-pedo-bestiality is a person who has sex/intercourse with a dead, baby animal of the same sex.

WARNING: this act is illegal in all countries, except a few select areas.

Man 1: man, me and amanda decided to get a little experimental last night, so we did a little homo-necro-pedo-bestiality.

Man 2: ...dude, i'm calling the cops.

by fattybunta August 26, 2007

58👍 29👎

Aquatic Homosexual Bestial Necrophilia

Aquatic Homosexual Bestial Necrophilia is the art of when a Gay man strips into the nude, jumps into a tank of rotting dead gay fish, and starts having sexual intercourse with as many as of them as he (or the Audience) can stand. Aquatic Homosexual Bestial Necrophilia tends to happen on three day weekends and spring break sessions.

dude. . . . did you check out that link i gave sent you? there was some pretty rad Aquatic Homosexual Bestial Necrophilia on that site, even with some swordfish involved. . . dude. . . what time is 4:20 break?

by the Mind Messer-upper September 16, 2008

18👍 13👎

Interracial midget necro bestiality

Would the both of you shut up? Enough of it already, I've already heard too much and neither of you is correct. Interracial midget Negro bestiality is when you fuck an Asian midgets dead dog, hell who doesn't know that?

Bob is an interracial midget necro bestiality lover who hasn't been caught by his wife yet.

by Solid Mantis May 15, 2017

interracial midget amputee necro-bestiality

The prestigious sexual conquest of fucking both an alternately coloured midget and a dead animal, most commonly a dog, while either you or the midget may be missing limbs. Prosthetic limbs would also qualify. The rarest form of this occuring would involve two midgets, one of them being an Eskimo.

Note: dead animals almost exclusively mammals.

Rick: So she comes home, and I can tell right away that he has midget stink all over her. I know she's into interracial midget amputee necro-bestiality, ever since she lost both her arms in that thresher, I know she's been fucking around.

Alistair: Jesus Christ.

by Revchu July 18, 2005

238👍 50👎

Aquatic Homosexual Bestial Necrophilia

Aquatic Homosexual Bestial Necrophilia is the art of when a Gay man strips into the nude, jumps into a tank of rotting dead gay fish, and starts having sexual intercourse with as many as of them as he (or the Audience) can stand. Aquatic Homosexual Bestial Necrophilia tends to happen on three day weekends and spring break sessions.

dude. . . . did you check out that link i gave sent you? there was some pretty rad Aquatic Homosexual Bestial Necrophilia on that site, even with some swordfish involved. . . dude. . . what time is 4:20 break

by the other brain September 20, 2008

4👍 15👎