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calm your nipples down

A derivation of “calm your tits down”, but more detailed. Told to someone who is freaking out or overreacting to something.

Calm your nipples down, it’s not that serious!

by ara_eek October 25, 2022

calm the fuck down cujo

When someone is so mad , for no rational reason.

Hey man I'm pissed Debbie is dating Ray, she knows his brothers friend and I are friends!!!
Calm the fuck down Cujo

by C. Jack. Forrester February 14, 2017

better calm down

An expession telling someone to settle down.

Tex: Better calm down Lad!

by kdv June 28, 2005

woah calm down jamal dont pull out the 9 haha

Calming a person with african american ethnicity as a joke.

Tyrone: "I'm going to brutally end your life!"
Jake: "woah calm down jamal dont pull out the 9 haha!"
Tyrone: "Thanks for calming me down man! I really appreciate it!"

by TheWorldo June 14, 2023

cup of calm the fuck down

What every annoying bitch needs to chug vigorously

Arzaylea really needs to drink a cup of calm the fuck down, since all she does is cause drama.

Arzaylea needs to chug a cup of calm the fuck down, because everyone in the fandom with a right sense of mind hates her.

by IllRoastYouBitch May 9, 2016

You need to calm down

Said when someone is over reacting to the smallest things especially on the internet.

Also a reference to the song "You need to calm down" by Taylor Swift.

🌈 🦄 🪩 ✨

Person 1:*Over reacting*
Person 2:"You need to calm down, you're being too loud."
Person 3:"And im just like oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh."

by FloptropicanSwiftie1369 April 29, 2024

calm it down

What you say to somebody who is taking themselves too seriously.

Tall guy: what kind of situation did you create here? I'm going to beat you to a pulp.
Fat round kid: calm it down! I didn't do shit.

by Capital P February 1, 2018