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Dg Camo

Doink Gang artist who has dropped such hits as "P.R.N" and "Amnesia"

Dg Camo > Biggie

by Slothbot January 3, 2017

Camo Dogging

Having sex with a dog that's dressed up in women's clothing.

My wife caught me "Camo Dogging" the neighbors dog last night.

by Urban Handle November 3, 2019

urban camo

A really trendy article of clothing, which first became a fashion statement when worn by Vince in Dunedin.

Look at that Urban Camo that guys wearing, thats fashion.
That guy has singlehandedly revolutionised fashion.
Go Vince.

by chenzo August 31, 2006

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Burberry camo

In a similar fashion to miltary camouflage clothing used by soldiers to blend into their surroundings, Burberry camo is clothing featuring a check or tartan partern somewhat akin to the pattern commonly used by the brand Burberry that enables the wearer to become invisible once inside a Burberry store.

Perry Mason: "Where's Oliver Jonas Queen? He said he'd meet us in the Burberry store"
Holbot: "He must be wearing Burberry camo."

by Apron Boobs Face May 23, 2011

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Camo Joint

a faggot ass hat worn by Michael Allen

Chris broke Mikes camo joint

by John Doe April 1, 2004

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Fall Camo

A ugly ass camouflage in the game Modern Warfare: 2. Usually used by bitch ass hackers and little bitches that require boosting and tenth prestige lobbies to get anywhere in the game and in real life.

man that fucking 12 year old just fucking killed me with his gay ass fall camo that he obviously cheated to get because he is 10th prestige. fucking bitch.

by iceman61095 November 3, 2010

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Camo Jockey

Racial slur towards people of Middle Eastern ethnicity. This is going by the assumption that all Muslims are the militant, and are always seen wearing camoflauge uniforms.

1. Osama Bin Laden is the biggest camo jockey in the world.
2. That camo jockey Abul at our school is obviously a terrorist.

by someguy73 February 2, 2007

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