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chattering vagina

1) A female who talks excessively.
2) When your girlfriend keeps talking during the big game

Roger: Hey, have you seen Rachel around?
Josh: No. Why?
Ralph: I saw her last night, and man she is just a chattering vagina. She wouldn't shut up.
Girlfriend: Blah blah blah blah, and blah blah blah blah.
Boyfriend: Stop being a chattering vagina, we are trying to watch the game!

Synonym: Chatty Cathy
Antonym: Talking Tom

She is such a chattering vagina, she just wont shut up. macronacular chatty cathy talking tom

by the woo March 26, 2015

chatter dorks

People who join chat rooms and chat about the stupidest shit ever.

Oh god, there are so many chatter dorks in this room tonight. I need to get a life.

by gobbledegook September 21, 2007

wife chatter

When your wife is talking to you and your not interested and its sounds like the teacher from Charlie Brown

I was trying to talk to my bro yesterday when all of a sudden she starts in with the wife chatter

by AUWFT March 4, 2016

chatters paradox

Refrencing the situation when two or more people are chatting in an instant messaging application, when both parties begin writing a message at around the same time, and both parties stop writing to allow the other to go first.
This leaves a semi-awkward situation known as the chatters paradox.

you: hi
them: hi
them...is writing a message
you...are writing a message

you: hi
them: hi
*2.5 minute silence*
you: chatters paradox?
them: haha yeah :-P

by theelous3 November 9, 2011

anal chatter

taking a naked shit when it's below freezing

i heard my anal chatter the other night when i was out snow skiing with my mom.

by d-rock419 November 5, 2010

clam chatter

loud vibrating air release from a womans vagina.

During intercourse my girls clam chatter woke my parents up with a loud "ppppppffffffff pppppfff pppfff pff!!!"

quief queef kweef

by BALLZ2DAWALLZ March 9, 2012

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xerox chatter

The various marks which show up in a xerox copy that have no origin in the original image, usually consisting in small dots or lines of gray or black.

I tried to make a copy of the official form look like an original, but all the xerox chatter gave it away.

by Hannah March Campbell April 6, 2006

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