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The Marsell Cock Tease (MCT)

The Marsell Cock Tease (MCT) consists of a male who inserts his male reproductive organ between a female's breasts and proceeds to thrust repeatedly. After a short period of time, the male discontinues this procedure and visits the lavatory in an effort to place a prophylactic over his quivering member. Upon his return to the previous location, he finds the female covering her face and blushing from the situation. She then begins to redress and leave the premises.

Tom: Yo, Dino i just got a bad Cormier Cock Tease and it was the worst feeling ever!
Dino: Well my dear friend I dont believe it can be as bad as The Marsell Cock Tease (MCT) I just endured!
Tom: You're right. I like you **Both parties high five**

by Old Norse Γ•thinn March 23, 2008

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

The Cormier Cock Tease (CCT)

The ultimate guiding force and philosophy in life. Also known as "cut the bait," if things don't go your way in life you just let go! and get someone else to suck your dick. or do it yourself. it's that simple.

"So.. what do you want to do?"
-"I don't know..."
"....(Pause) FUCK!!!"

I got CCT'd (past tense of the word, The Cormier Cock Tease (CCT)) so bad last night, I'm blue balling like a mother fucker...

by Kevan Hooley May 5, 2007

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Dry Humping Cock Tease

A girl who dresses provacatively...short skirts etc. But has no intention of following through with her false advertisements of seemingly dirty sexual fun. She will dry hump you until your jeans catch on fire. She will leave you wanting much, much more and not feel guilty for leaving you alone, confused and with "blue balls"

In high school I was known as a dry humping cock tease...oh well!!

by DesiRy May 27, 2010

102πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Pocket-Sized Cock Tease

A pocket-sized cock tease, also referred to as a PSCT, refers to the younger counterpart of a relationship involving an older male and a younger female. The PSCT is very small, no more than 5' 3", and has the tendency to look like a rodent. Because they reside in your friend's pants, they believe that makes them your friend. They are wrong.

"Did you see the way Megan was sexing him up?"
"God, she's such a pocket-sized cock tease."

by Jonathan Swift March 11, 2008

33πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


a girl who flirts and leads on every guy and cant control herself. May not seem like a bad person, but FLIRTS WITH EVERY SINGLE GUY SHE KNOWS. She will instantly ditch you after a week, the longest, for her next victim. Friends who are girls dont exist, you destroyed them all.

Tara is such a cock-a-tease, do you see her flirting with Justin.. isnt she dating Greg?!

by room401sisters October 30, 2009

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Cock tease

A girl who dresses or acts slutty or flirts with guys, just so she can either turn them down or try to accuse them of something; The type of girl who will get you in trouble

I’d stay away from her, she’s just a cock tease. That’ll get you in trouble.

by SiL3Nt J September 22, 2023