Source Code

Yt Daylight

He is a kid like 13 years old I think he is 4 foot 2 and is color blind he likes splitgate he is not good at speaking his own nation language and is scared of dogs

Hello Yt Daylight
Yes me is ligma

by I will smack u with my shovel September 22, 2021

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Daylight Rule

This applies on school grounds. It is a rule that no sensual touching, or even a simple hug cannot be performed between students or teachers.

It's really stupid but allow it.

*two students caught hugging and making out*
teacher: that's it! Detention for breaking the Daylight Rule

by a.K..a January 2, 2018

Daylight Blazing

The act of smoking weed during daytime hours in order to open up free time the following night.

Fred: Maaan, I'm stoned as shit and it's only noon.

Nick: Yeah dude, thank God for daylight blazing

by BennisMSI June 1, 2009

Daylight Savings

Someone who was never invited and then ends up overstaying their welcome.

No one invited him to the party, everyone went home 2 hours ago and he is still here. He is such a daylight savings.

by Stoffels Kruger August 19, 2021

daylight delight

Having sex during day time/daylight

We just had some daylight delight with my partner yesterday.

by Hoblos September 28, 2023

Daylight Ninja

Dumb asses that don't realize ninjas wear black to blend into the night. Can also refer to your garden variety dumb ass. Mama mia.

First Guy: Hey! You wanna go climb that building in ninja costume?

Second Guy: Dude. It's noon.

Ninja hanging from roof: (whispers) daylight ninja.

by Miss Orifice April 9, 2011

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daylight robbery

when someone member of team manages to fluke even the most shit goals to put your team 1 down in stoppage time... after what can only be described as the worst and most negative performance from an opposition team at Anfield for years.

Liverpool 0-1 Man United. 3rd March 2007

"Man Utd fluked another win after an extremely negative and poor perfomance... daylight robbery of Liverpool!... i wish i could defecate on Neville's face!"

by bignandosmullet March 3, 2007

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