Source Code

Game Development

To develop a game

My job involves Game Development

by RRedocc June 28, 2016

Developer Diarrhea

When a developer has many ideas at the same time.

I just had developer diarrhea
What did you think of

by Mindseye Co. OFFICIAL July 3, 2021

business development

Sales done by overpaid new media executives who don't need a commission. Often referred to as "bd" or "biz dev" to make sales people sound cool.

Ray closed a whopper business development (bd) deal with XYZ company last week and it goes straight to our bottom line.

by sodafef February 1, 2011

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web developer

A Web developer can also be a Web designer, but a Web developer typically has more database, CGI, and engineering experience. He or she develops the interface between the front and back end of a website.

The Web developer is almost done coding our site.

by Jak Dude May 6, 2005

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personal development

Personal development is taking the time to experience life as a past time to make long lasting memories, obtain achievements, develop quality, or aspect of a person's background such as traveling, meeting personal goals, arranging reunions with friends and family and informal social opportunities situated outside of a professional setting. It has been described as calming and enjoyable, ideally incorporating a rest and relaxation stage.

Eff this job, I'm cashing out my vacation time for personal development.

by Symmetry222 July 27, 2016

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Locally Developed

Basically retarded, stupid as fuck, dumb as shit. Another is that; you're 25, but you act like you're 10 and you have the intellegence of a 10 year old.

Normal Fourteen Yearold in year 9: Hey, I can add and actually do my work.
Locally developed fourteen yearold: I'm learning how to round and count coins and money.

by Genius123123123123123 February 27, 2011

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Application Development

Application development is the process of creating a computer program or a set of programs to perform the different tasks that a business requires. Every app-building process follows the same steps: gathering requirements, designing prototypes, testing, implementation, and integration.

In today’s fast paced world, the customers require solutions which are also equally robust and conventional when it comes to applications. These not only add value to their business but also makes core business processes much easier and increase efficiency, along with saving a lot of time and cost.

The dedicated team at BCC UNITED works tirelessly to come up with competent application solutions for your business. We create tailor-made applications based on your business requirements, from digitizing spreadsheets to building complex applications using latest technologies. Our customized services empower mission critical business applications to evolve and reinvent processes, which in turn enables you to deliver reliable, stable and faster results.

So transform your software needs with the help of our goal oriented and personalized applications that will take your business to the next level:

Custom application development
Web application development
Cross-platform application development
Enterprise/E-commerce application development
Client-server application development

by Bhushan S December 3, 2021