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gun control

While violence is bad, gun control is worse. When something is illegal, it does not disappear, it goes underground. I do not know why liberals should have such a difficult time relating to this concept. If someone is bold enough to risk their life to commit murder, it is probably safe to say that they aren't afraid to break some silly gun law. This is dangerous in that it transfers weapons from the good citizens to the criminals. "Banning" AK-47s doesn't do a damn thing - except make YOU more vulnerable.

Let's not forget that the Constitution gives American citizens the right to bear arms. While some restrictions may not necessarily be unconstitutional, the notion that the Right to Bear Arms is a group right is absurd at best. What, only the police can have guns? The founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

It's a slippery slope to curtail constitutional rights or to outright "declare" one amendment "outdated" or a "relic." How would you feel if President Bush all of a sudden said the First Amendment was incompatible with the War on Terror? After all, the Founding Fathers never could have seen 9/11...

Criminals have no conscience. It is only intuitive to say they are more afraid of an armed victim than they are of getting caught by the police.

by A Libertarian-Leaning Middle-of-the-Roader November 4, 2004

9852๐Ÿ‘ 318๐Ÿ‘Ž

gun control

Gun Control refers to laws that LIMIT possession of firearms and how they are used!

by bobhope1cvb2 October 5, 2003

30๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž

gun control

A steady hand.

Jim Bob has great gun control.

by Chris Locke May 1, 2003

270๐Ÿ‘ 1449๐Ÿ‘Ž

gun control

1.) holding the gun with two hands

Griff: "wow that man has gun control...look at that...."

by J Do May 21, 2008

181๐Ÿ‘ 1420๐Ÿ‘Ž

gun control

Holding the gun correctly to hit the target and prevent yourself from getting hurt from recoil.

Guy 1: Gun control is a serious issue!
Guy 2: IKR? People shouldn't be allowed to buy guns.
Guy 1: What tf are you talking about? I was just saying that people might hurt themselves because they don't know how much recoil a slug shotgun has. Happened to me once, and I couldn't move my arm for days!

by TheSlappingZebra February 27, 2018

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gun control

A controversial set of policies in the United States particularly. It is essentially the mentality behind Prohibition applied to firearms. And oddly, many of its proponents say you have a right to drink alcohol, though it is not specifically inscribed in the Bill of Rights, while ownership of firearms is enumerated as a right in said Bill of Rights.

Gun control amuses me. They'll throw the book at a licensed gun dealer who makes a spelling error on one of their forms. But federal agencies lost over 1000 firearms last year and I don't see the BATFE auditing the FBI.

by J. Gerth April 13, 2007

5028๐Ÿ‘ 1418๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gun Control

Something that America and The NRA refuse to implament despite the number of lives lost.

The NRA is too busy licking Trump's ass and giving money blowjobs to even think about gun control with their none existant brains.

Every Ignorant Fat Hick is against Gun Control.

Gun Control isn't taking guns, but its preventing the average person (and the mentally ill) from being able to perchase military guns and other military weapons.

by Jewel104 February 18, 2018

827๐Ÿ‘ 9740๐Ÿ‘Ž