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Half my ass and both my balls

Used in stating you would wager a large amount on a subject.

I would bet half my ass and both my balls that Pamela Anderson has more STDs than just the Hepatitus C that everyone already knows about.

by Mathias Gruber May 9, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

half step pussy ass nigga

see either ja rule or method gurl

they're both half step pussy ass niggas.

no example this fine day. crumpet.

by Brick Top February 25, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Half ass feelings

You only giving the person half of your heart.

I donโ€™t want your half ass feelings๐Ÿฅฑ

by Cold hearted ladybug October 9, 2021

Half ass

A woman with an ass so fat it makes up half of her body mass. Yes. I have literally seen women like this

That girl is half ass. If you cut of her ass she would be half the size she is now

by the funny one January 27, 2022

Half ass cheek

Skinheads and people with skin hair cuts who understand a buoyancy of life well enough to know the ultimate fundamental of any existence since weight is burden that has been overcome. The reference is derived from a whooty, her ass cheeks, which half of it looks exactly like the back of a skinheads head and someone with a skin hair cut.

Example 1: Than man is so straight, he an heterosexual everyone calls him a half ass cheek.

Example 2: Lucifer solved the problem in minutes today in class, the lecture teaching the class "she called him a half ass cheek".

Example 3: The sun shine is half ass cheek man.

by Cypharr December 7, 2015

Half-ass connection

when a person in a relation half asses with the other. that person may act like they are interested but in all actuality only want them for sex, vulnerability, money, or to show off but when they donโ€™t get their way there true colors show.

Iโ€™m so fucking tired of this half-ass connection with him.

I put in all this effort, attention, and patience just to have a half-ass connection with this nigga, fuck off.

by thatgirlana June 1, 2019