Source Code

new york headlights

When a fatter person puts there breast on the sides of a sleeveless shirt.

Donnie p just flashed his New York headlights.

by Kyleman123 July 4, 2019

the headlight car game

Padiddle, a game played when driving at night with a group of people. Someone sees a car with a headlight out and calls "Padiddle!!" Then gets to choose someone in the car that had to remove a piece of clothing.

The headlight car game. Padiddle, Sara take off your shirt!

by tinyduke November 28, 2013

25๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pop-Up Headlights

Dope ass 80's fueled car headlights that pop up from the front of a car, giving the a car a clean no headlight look when the lights aren't in use. Often known as or referred to as "pop-ups" or "flippy bois."

They were discontinued on cars after it was decided that "They're unsafe for pedestrians."
(we don't recommend hitting pedestrians.)

"yo dude that MR2 has dope pop-up headlights!"

by FauxBoi July 24, 2022

headlight car game

Driving at night with the headlights off waiting for another car to flash their lights at you.

Yo that bitch wants to play the headlight car game lets follow her and scare the shit out of her!

by Thick Lil Miss November 27, 2019

pop-up headlights

Pop up headlights, also known as a retractable headlight or simply "pop-ups", are a mechanism pulls down the headlight assembly so it is hidden and flush with the lines of the car. This aids in aerodynamics and asethics. When the headlights are turned on, they flip up or "pop up" out the hood/bumper, allowing the bulbs to illuminate the road.

This was a common feature on many import cars such as the Miata and Mk3 Supra and even exotics like 80s Ferraris. However, they were banned from new car designs in the early 2000s for pedestrian safety issues, such as like lack of DRL and also to meet newer fuel economy standards (poor aerodynamics). These could also break, causing more safety issues.

Person 1: Why doesn't that car have headlights?
Person 2: Dude that's a Mk3 Supra, it has pop-up headlights

by icantthinkofausername777 April 26, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

one headlight out

when it's cold outside and one nipple decides to go out and the other decides to stay in

consistent until breast feeding.

Girl, its chilly outside, you got one headlight out.
Somebody call the cops, you got one headlight out, baby!

by Dana Ryan Nelson Josserand March 15, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

like a rabbit in my headlights

(v.) Scared into not moving, like a cute bunny about to be squished.

(n.) A rampant rabbit between breasts.

Which rabbit do you prefer, gentlemen?

by Gumba Gumba June 1, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž