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Huey Lewis Workout

Achieving fitness by working out most every day and watching what you eat. Inspired by lyrics from the song 'Hip to Be Square' by 1980s pop-rock group Huey Lewis & The News's 'Hip to Be Square'.

Mary: Tibor, you're looking fit these days, whats your secret?

Tibor: Thank you, its the 'Huey Lewis Workout' and I've lost 20lbs since the Bangles concert last August!

by Herbal Klimt December 6, 2009

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Huey Lewis and the News

a pseudo-white soul pop-rock band that formed in San Francisco in 1979. They haved scored several hits around the world. They have hit the top of the charts in America three times, as well as elsewhere. Their hits include "The Power of Love", "If This Is It" and "Stuck With You". Their excellent harmonies rank with those of the Beach Boys and Def Leppard. That's good!

I saw Huey Lewis and the News three times in concert. A thrill every time.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 20, 2006

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huey lewis

A complete douche. Everyones worst nightmare in vinyl format, especially played on sunny Sundays after church, before watching American Gladiators, and after the UPN50 12:00 movie, generally Robocop.

You know, your mom and I went to see Huey Lewis at Harpos when she was pregnant with your sister! Heh, it was great (but it really wasn't).

by Repeatclicks May 2, 2007

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shouting to Huey and Ralph

A slang term meaning to puke, referencing the noises made whilst vomiting loudly and heavily, which may sound similiar to the names Huey (HEUGHHH) and Ralph (BRAAGPH) when yelled.

Used by Billy Connolly in his 'Two Scotsmen in Rome' bit.

Person 1: "He pulled a savage whitey."
Person 2: "Yeah, was shouting to Huey and Ralph all night."

by Pink Pursuit August 14, 2010

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huey robson

The ruudest hardest OG in Parsons Green. Almost always seen with his super rude and rebellious fake diamond stud. Dnt start beef with him cuz he'll beat the livin shit outta of u, or even wrse, get his older, fatter and even harder BIG BROTHER to threaten u, but he won;t beat u up there and then, but later... maybe. If u see the Huey, run away, but b careful not to trip on him.

and TJP was like, take out ure earing and im like, FUCk U- POW

by Huey April 26, 2005

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Huey Lewis and the News

A man's nether regions including the penis and testicles. Also called the "downstairs mixup."

No, I don't want your mom sewing my pants so close to Huey Lewis and the News.

by Phil Bray August 9, 2008

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hueys big ass nose

huey has the biggest nose, btw sub to twitch.tv/huey

hueys big ass nose is bigger then saturn and you should sub to him

by G0DLy2425 August 18, 2022