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Hymen Maneuver

Rupturing the mucous membrane at the external opening of the vagina as a result of the first act of sexual intercourse

Dude! I porked this chick the other night and pulled the hymen maneuver! I had no idea she was still a virgin; she was 14!

by omega3 fatty acid January 21, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

hymen police

The role a friend plays for their virgin mate, ensuring she doesn't waste her 'first time' on a drunken night, with someone she doesn't care about.

Chrissy: "Hey Stace, can you make sure I don't sleep with anyone tonight - NO MATTER HOW DRUNK I AM"
Stacey: "Sure, I'll be your hymen police"

(Knocking on a bedroom door from which sus noises are coming.)
Stacey: Oi, Chrissy, hymen police...
Chrisy: Intact! Thanks Stace!

by lyj867 November 7, 2007

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Hymen Mayonnaise

The act of breaking a girls hymen while simultaneously giving her a creampie

"I heard you gave Rebecca some Hymen Mayonnaise last night"

by TheDiddlerXIII November 17, 2015

hymen shredder

a term for a convicted serial killer/rapist most of whose victims were young, virgin girls

to see the true face of a hymen shredder go find Richard Allan Davis, now residing on California's death row

by Sexydimma February 27, 2015

butt hymen

A theoretical fold of mucous membrane occluding the rectum. This structure is only present in anal virgins, and is broken upon anal penetration.

Anal counterpart to the hymen.

Hell yeah he's a player - he broke my butt hymen after our second date.

This man's butt hymen is ruptured! Call a doctor!

by Inuit Dust Commando! October 30, 2004

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hymen hole

Port of entry. Tariffs and embargos may exist in the form of wining and dining.

Aye ye land lubbers. This is your captain speaking. We've spotted a large hymen hole on the horizon. Prepare to dock and unload the goods.

by schlongzilla July 30, 2005

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slymenstra hymen

Goddess of all rock

by Anonymous October 11, 2003

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