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Killin' Spur

Five kills in a row without dying, first said by gamers on the Halo 2 online community during a ranked SWAT match.

As said by an overly-hyper Halo 2 gamer: "Oh, shit! KILLIN' SPUR!!"

by Spartan VI June 26, 2010

steady killin' me

continuously annoying a person; it can also mean continuously "being awesome", depending on context and inflection


Braaaahhhhhhhhh, you steady killin' me


That was legit; you steady killin' it

by marrrrriiiiisssssaaaaaaaa November 26, 2014

Chillin for a killin

Means to be having a great time, to be chilling out

Chillin for a killin tonight

by chillkill May 15, 2019

Killin' It

A series of actions that puts the world's hardest workers to shame, it would look similar to Rocky Balboa as the wolf of wall street.

Luke: did you hear Dan worked 80hrs this week?
Gary: that's it?
Luke: HA! The guy also pulled off a triathalon, marathon and an Inca trail marathon this week.
Gary: jeez... that guys killin' it

by dudeskillinit July 9, 2020

Killin' it

The highest possible level of satisfaction with life only to be achieved by young white males who often go to parties, have plenty of money, and slay poon on the reg. You only know you're 'Killin' it' when you're plastered, throwin up the Shaka (surfers' hand gesture), and yelling "I'M KILLINNNN ITTTTT"

Friend: "How yah doin pal?"

Matt: "Don't worry about me man, (shotguns a brew) I'M FUCKIN' KILLINNNN ITTTTT!"
Friend to other Friend: "Hey don't bother Matt, he's Killin' it right now.

by Berry McCockinnner March 20, 2018