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Bedazzled loneliness

A single person, without any romantic interest, who owns a pet as a means of trying to quell the void within.

Look at that old lady, out with her dog. She's just flaunting her bedazzled loneliness to the world.

by Swiftyoldboy June 29, 2024

Loin Loneliness

This term refers to going over a long dry spell or virginity by choice, not your choice.

Sorry I was kinda an ass. been having a case of loin loneliness.

by Carmel Schmitty March 7, 2011

birthday loneliness

the inevitable emptiness one feels on their birthday for various reasons that is not limited to but including unmet expectations, disappointment, uneventfulness etc. there is no cure to birthday loneliness.

even though i celebrated my birthday, i sat by myself with my birthday loneliness at the end of the day

by dandee February 10, 2022

Lost Loneliness

The feeling when the ending for a programme of show reminds you of of how you felt when watching LOST for the first time, where at the end of every episode you would be all 'WTF just happened? Don't end there! Nooooooo'

I had a bad case of Lost Loneliness at the end of Catching Fire...

Did you see Captain America? I left the cinema full of Lost Loneliness!

by yazmac April 28, 2014