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Maguire Moment

Where a person, usually of lesser statue, bluntly informs a superior how to do their job or perform better.

This is often in an outburst, known to all around them, but no one wants to say it.

Named after the essay/paper written by Tom Crusie's character in the film 'Jerry Maguire'.

Dave: How did the big meeting go?
Mike: Pretty bad dude - I might not have a job on Monday!
Dave: WTF happened?
Mike: I had a complete Maguire Moment... the VP Of Sales wanted us to stay behind again this weekend, to brainstorm. Well I just lost it and yell out the three simple things that the Sales team had to do to increase performance.
Dave: What happened?
Mike: I got a few winks from some of my workmates - I didn't say anything that they didn't already know - but I think the VP is pissed, so say the least.

by buckonz February 28, 2010

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Tobey Maguire

Simpy the legendary youtube poop spider man

I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye
Tobey maguire -

by I am the OWO April 21, 2019

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Harry Maguire

Manchester united keeper, David de gea worst fear.
Harry maguire has never learnt how to play actual football and often ends up attacking his own side of the field.
He is knonw for just 20 own goals in just 3 seasons at man united.
Often owns the song Gangsters paradise.

Harry maguire lost to a 5 year old at football .
He scored all the goals which were own goals.

by Shadowbalde 710 July 16, 2023

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Shafty Maguire

Best fucking band ever

I listened to a Shafty Maguire song today. It owned.

by Exthuse February 14, 2005

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Solomon Maguire

Usually a name for a tall and athletic boy that could be attractive. A Solomon tends to be self absorbed and unkind. They often suck at languages including French, Spanish and Italian. Their English is limited and can often be a hinderance to the class. A Solomon can be addicted to his phone as he tries to attract attention from girls whom are not interested. However, a Solomon can be a moderately good friend.

Oh look Solomon Maguire finally hit a home run!

by sololover563890 November 13, 2019

Al maguire

The true definition of THE MAN
Smashing life on a regular basis, being attractive to all sexes, the closest to perfect humanity has. NO ONE COMES CLOSE !

Dude you just scored a touchdown in the Liverpool game!!
And also a home run in one bat ! Your truly the "Al maguire "

by Blissfully unaware February 2, 2018

Tim Maguire

A god like figure. A fatherly figure to all of his students, his powers put you in a love spell where you get lost in his beautiful eyes.

I saw tim maguire and immediately fell for his sexy body.

by The station predator August 22, 2021