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Mariel cult

A bunch of crackheads obsessed over the youtuber BasicallyIDoWrk dresses up as Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

Person1: you guys heard of the Mariel cult on twitter?
person2: yeah what the fuck
person1; I know right

by viodoesit August 17, 2019


Someone who loves her family but loves to spend all her husbands money!

Marielle loves to spend josh’s money

by November 24, 2021


marielle is the hottest, most funniest, prettiest, girl to walk this entire earth

marielle is hot

by handleasf April 17, 2022


The most beautiful girl in the entire world. She has the fattest ass and nice tetas. Everyone loves having her around. She has hella hoes and loves attention. She just so perfect.

Boy 1: Yo did you see that girl that walked by?
Boy 2: Yea bro shes perfect, I want her so bad.

Boy 1: Her name has to be Marielle.

Boy 2: Nah fr.

by bignoselover July 11, 2021