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A group or gathering of 3 or more Tesla Cybertrucks is called a recall

Look over in that field, a recall of thirteen Cybertrucks.

by Selicos May 29, 2024

Toto Recall

To reminisce and feel deeply nostalgic over the music of the 80's, especially Toto.

"Dude did you see Bruce the other day, he was crying to 80's music all day!?"
"Yeah I know, he was going through a Toto Recall"

by No Walrus April 26, 2017

Recall spam

One of the most used tactic in the moba game MLBB. The recall spam is done but continuously spamming the recall button before an outplay, after an outplay, as bait or just straight up being toxic. This outstanding strategy ensures that enemies will be irritated/annoyed resulting in a distracted/risky plays just to kill you. It might even awaken the beasts in them.. WOOF WOOF GRRRRR BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF ARF ARF GRRR GRRRRRR RUFF RUFF BARK BARK

Chou used recall spam. It was super effective.

by TheguywhoisnotTechZero August 9, 2022