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Ironic and edgy synonym for a vehicle's wheel, most commonly uttered by mainstream car enthusiasts unaware of their status as "normie" car enthusiasts.

They're not called wheels, they're called rounders normie.

by JorgebutnotGeorge October 20, 2017


In the dating game, a second-rounder is a person who didn't get married in their 20s like 1st rounders. They're usually still in "game shape" for sport fucking, but for whatever reason, the mental game never clicked and could never get married and retire from The Game.

Second-rounders are typically primo picks for divorced 1st rounders who are still in Game Shape themselves, but now have to get back into The Game

A milf got married and had babies, but a Second-rounder never got picked from the sidelines before their 30s.

by Leon_Washington August 9, 2021

1st rounder

A star player that was drafted with the intent to carry an entire team on his back, but Is more interested on the off field advantages of being a stud athlete.

Jay Cutler is the OG 1st rounder. So much talent, but man, that guy does not Careeeeee about fucking anything!

It finally looked like the team was destined for a championship, but their two new 1st round draft picks Swede and Levi just wanted to be 1st round booze bags.

That devin kid just doesn't have what it takes to be a 1st rounder. No wonder he ended up as a sophomore year walk on when the team lost 4 players to the meazels.

by Straight Cash Homie March 23, 2017


One who has no concept of time, takes their own time, while you wait on them.

We was late for the movie because brady is a Dick-A-Rounder!

by word0ninja August 27, 2013