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sell out

Jonothan Seidler

Damn, that Jonno is a fkn sellout faggot

by Anonymous July 26, 2003

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sell out

a word programed into the punk society mainframe. used to describe any band or skater or sumthing of that nature that got sucessfull. mainly surfaced because punks are a bunch of lazy ass holes and want them, and every one around then to stay punk and be a loser and unucessfull all their lifes. but then one day they will wake up and realizes that liking life and wanting to be a contibuting member of society is better than hanging out in their little clique and moking everyone who wants to better themselves.

punk1: dude look at that stupid conformast and his high paying job.
punk2: wat a fag!
(buisness man slaps them with a roll of cash)
punk2: skrew u guys, im gonna go get a job from that guy and have a life and im gonna finally get some friends!

by wigga (guess where not that stupid after all) October 10, 2004

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sell out

what you guys dont get is a band has to be good before selling out. green day, maroon 5, and all this mtv crap was never even good music. its when a band that was once good becomes crappy just to get on mtv. a band cant start as a sell out.

modest mouse can be described as a somewat sell out

by indie1234 August 24, 2007

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sell out

to become too popular for your own good.

when most bands sell out, the portion of society that goes to any lengths to feel accepted "likes" the band to be cool. when too many of these people "like" a band, any song the band spits out will be widely accepted, therefore lowering the quality of the music in some cases.

good charlotte

by sold out August 10, 2003

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sell out

Anybody who is on MTV.

by Anonymous June 20, 2003

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sell out

1) Phrase used by embittered old bastards who find that a band they liked became popular, so therefore they must suck now.

2) When a band changes style and then appeal more to the mainstream than to it's original fans. Often a band did actually become crap when it once was good: e.g. Incubus, Green Day. However, many bands who 'sold out' were already shit to begin with: e.g. Good Charlotte.

by IkeM October 20, 2003

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sell out

Colin Powell.

Damn, first Colin Powell sells-out politcal integrtity, now the adminstration he grovels for has sold him out cuz I haven't seen his mumblin' ass on TV for weeks.

by BootCamp July 24, 2003

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