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so hard to explain.-R.V.

That was so stoo.- L.M.

by CoSto66 February 13, 2008


A stupid nonce who isn’t very tall and sweaty. He cries when he doesn’t get his own way. Usually get bullied for being a goodie two shoes and grinding off minecraft

Yo he’s a tragic little STO

by Nerdnanshanker May 20, 2018

amana go to the sto wongo

I am going to the store, do you want to go?

amana go to the sto wongo? I am going to the store, do you want to go?

by Ancan February 12, 2017

reck sto

Tha crunkest crib around where all tha homies chill and get throwd and pervd

Yo mayne we might as well go on down tha street to tha reck sto

by Allison September 21, 2003