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Stomach Pussy

The rolls of a fat women's stomach that crease right around her belly button.

that girl last night was so fat, i mistakenly fucked her stomach pussy instead of her actual pussy!!

by Evackuate February 7, 2011

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stomach abortion

The product of taking too many laxatives.

You: Ugh, last week Leslie gave me candy with peanut butter in it, even though she knows I'm allergic.

Your Friend: Are you serious?!!! What did you do?

You: I left the nastiest little stomach abortion in her kitchen sink while she was on vacation. I bet it totally stinks by now.

by JRoselburger21 January 20, 2009

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Hangover Stomach

After a night of drinking and feeling really hungry, you order food, take two bites and are full for hours.

I was so hungry I ordered the dinner size at lunch time, had two bites and realized i was suffering from hangover stomach. Meh

by Thanston July 24, 2010

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stomach stew

Barf in the noun form, not the act.

How do you know he threw up?
Because there's his stomach stew!

by runningriot April 12, 2006

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chicken stomach

An unusual sensation in the stomach that results from eating nothing but chicken

Person 1: Whats wrong?

Person 2: I got chicken stomach

Person 1: I told you should have gotten sides with that bucket of chicken

by patman2492 June 22, 2010

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Atomic Stomach

The moment of having the worse stomach ache ever.
It feels like an atomic bomb is in you're stomach, waiting to explode.

Person 1: Dude, i just had an Atomic Stomach .
Person 2: Oh shit, seriously? Ha, that sucks for you!
Person 1: Ha, forreals, FUCK YOU.
Person 2: Fuck, i think i'm having an Atomic Stomach! (Runs to the bathroom)
Person 1: Ha, that's what you get FOO!!!

by ClareCandy July 12, 2010

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stomach scraper

an extremely enormous phallus; a huge cock so large that it internally hits the back of the vagina and scrapes in the stomach.

kelly: omg, i rode scott's dick last night and he has a tooootal stomach scraper!

by L. Cullen December 12, 2010

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