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Super Smash Bros Ultimate

A game that would be the best until the next smash bros.

R.I.P for all these characters:
The Wah
Shovel knight

Guy 1: have you played super smash bros ultimate?
Guy 2: no I play games like Fortnite
Guy 1: Are you six or mental?

by Dr. Juerdo Titsgo November 14, 2018

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The greatest game in history. Every Nintendo character, plus Snake and Sonic. Fighting. A lot. You can't deny it's power.

Dude 1 - "Hey, let's go to your house and have a good round of Super Smash Bros. Brawl!"
Dude 2 - "Very yes."

by NicTheBatman April 2, 2008

153๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

The most polular and critically acclaimed Fire Emblem game. Contains multiple anime sword fighters and furries. Clearly a great work created by Masahiro Sakurai himself.

Person 1: Yo you play the new Fire Emblem?
Person 2: You mean Waifu Emblem 3?
Person 1: Nah man Iโ€™m talkin Super Smash Brothers Ultimate.
Person 2: ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ

by InfinityJKA March 2, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The best fucking game in the entire fucking world. Do not try to compete with its awesomeness, for you will be over taken by its amazing, shit-tastic powers.

It is a game with 35 of Nintendo's Superstar characters who fight against each other in a manner unlike most other fighting games. It's awesomeness is so awesome, you will say nothing but one word.. awesome.

I love your deminishing hair line. I want you va jay jay to cover my doingle berries.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl? I tried to compete with its awesomeness, but I was over taken by its amazing, shit-tastic powers.

by Dick Thomas May 9, 2009

111๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Smash Bros. Brawl


A good game which becomes even greater because it makes idiots on the Internet furious. These idiots, known by terms such as tourneyfag, tourneytard, faggot, queer, NEERRD, and other such names believe that this is a bad game because they can no longer wavedash. The real story is that they don't want to have to learn how to play Brawl so they would rather complain about it, fail at ruining the fun for everyone else, engage in fanboy entitlement, or try to hack the game and turn it into Melee: No Fun Championship Turbo Edition 95.

Person A: Damn, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is great. But what could make it even better?

Person B: *whines about no wavedashing, pratfalls, and other stupid shit*

Person A: Thanks, that's just what I needed! *picks Yoshi, goes to Smashville and owns Person B*

Person B: Damnit! If I was on Final Destination and if items were turned off and if I had picked Fox instead of Falco I would have beaten your casualfag ass!

by Hoppered March 6, 2010

146๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Smash Flash 2

A video game you can play in school

Brayden: Have you played Super Smash Flash 2?
Zakaria: Ya. I'm playing it right now!!!

by A kid on drugs January 25, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Super Smash Brothers Brawl

A fighting game for the Nintendo Wii, Brawl features characters from all over the Nintendo franchises (plus sonic and snake), and lets them beat the hell out of each other.

A solid fighter played by many, but severely hampered by incredibly stupid and annoying 'additions' that come very close to completely ruining the game. For example, your character has a chance to fall over and lay on the ground at any given time, which is absolutely inexcusable for a fighting game. Another example is how the game gives you the ability to save replays, but only if they are less than three minutes long, and no serious battle is ever that short.

However, the biggest problem with Brawl is its unbalanced nature, with the character Metaknight having the unfortunate combination of being infinitely better than the entire rest of the cast and requiring practically no skill to use. This means that a less-skilled player can easily beat a professional just by using Metaknight, and that makes tournaments and such incredibly boring and stale.

Because of these unimaginably stupid miscues by the developers, a group of players hacked brawl, removed all the stupid crap like the aforementioned trips, and balanced the characters. The new version of the game is called Brawl+, and you can play it on the Wii.

Those who don't want to play a hacked game often find themselves going back to Smash Bros. Melee, the prequel to Brawl - a fighting game that you don't randomly fall down in.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl player #1: So let me get this straight - you just won because my character randomly fell over and you nailed me with a Bair while I was down?

Brawl player #2: Yep. Talk about an empty victory. I feel bad for you.

Brawl player #1: Melee?

Brawl player #2: Melee.

by The Middle Road August 10, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž