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Nappy Head Dugout

Oral sex performed on a woman

You better get down and give me the nappy head dugout if you want some of this ass!

by Carlos March 31, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirty dugout

a bordello or whorehouse

The dirty dugout is where you go to get the bug out!

by BeYourMac September 18, 2008

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

dugout whore

A woman that hangs around ball clubs looking bang players and coaches

Amanda is such a dugout whore! She fucked the manager then fucked the teams pitching coach 2 nights later.

by Burnedin22 July 25, 2022

Muck Dugout

The act of mucking ones arsehole.

(A female partners arsehole)

Dude... Jake was totally mucking her dugout lastnight!!! EW!

Dude i Muck dugout last night... for the first time... gross

by muckbarn April 18, 2011

Dugout Nectar

It's vaginal discharge: i e. Coochie Nectar, Pussy Nectar, Pussy Fruit, La Fruitas de Pussy Fruitas, Va Jay Jay juice, Pot Liquor, W. A. P. Juice/Liquor.

Dugout Nectar: Folk, her W. A P. Juice is a hunnit proof!

by Pornsapp Ringitt July 24, 2022


A post sex condition triggered by getting sexed so good, deep, and thorough that your insides feel like they've been dug out. The hollowness a woman feels in her vagina after a man with nice girth and technique has HANDLED HIS BUSINESS!

"Oh you saw TJ yesterday huh?" " Yeah girl...he gave me that dugout!"

by Livelife_limitless August 13, 2018


Referring to anal sex when defined by the sexual bases example. Some refer to it as the 5th Base.

"That chick last night was crazy, she went straight for a Home Run, then let me sit in the dugout."

by DeadSucubus March 25, 2015