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nigger wamping

Rap music made by black rappers listened to with the base turned up ridiculously high.

I was outside when an old piece of shit Cutlass with 35" rims, full of ghetto thugs, rolled past and they had that nigger wamping shit blasting

by GhettoCruiser May 18, 2010

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fiz wampe

An alternate word for "television remote" or "clicker". Can also be defined as an alternate word to take the place of a slang, curse, or meaning awesome.

God dammit! I misplaced the fiz wampe and now i have to get up in order to change the television station!

by csul23 December 18, 2010

Wamp Stamp

to smack somebody in the face with your penis.

Vanessa got a good ol fashion Wamp Stamp from Guillermo at Big Bear

by Avi De Mas Wamp January 12, 2008

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A really great beer pong player

Wow, look at that champ-a-wamp. She's doing work.

by big champ/little champ January 11, 2011

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Jimmy Wamp

An outgoing thrust with your dick towards one eye attempting to pop it out. Most commonly used by Hill folk or hill billies. Making a popping sound.

1.I done gonna Jimmy Wamp you in the face
2.Jimmy Wamping sounds like when you put your fingure in your mouth and flick your cheak.
3 Owwwwwww!!! My eye!!!

by vinnie p October 6, 2005

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1.in a video game hit another person with an item not ment to be killed by.
2. just hitting them with something REALLY big.
3. said after getting a direct impact on a person in MW2
4. very good censorship

1.as the dumpster crushed the spartian i said "WAMP!!!!!"
2.as the kill cam played the thumper went "WAMP!!!!!"
3.i WAMPED her so WAMPING hard she WAMP WAMP WAMP and i WAMP.........

by WAMPFORCE April 9, 2010

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whoop wamp

Whoop Wamp- any physical altercation with another person usually using the fists to face formula.

Nigga said something foul and I hit him with the Whoop wamp

by ghostfaceliterature November 18, 2013