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Handsome hoes

A person primarily woman who is being referred to in a negative light. Handsome hoe meaning…what it says she’s a hoe (derogatory term for a promiscuous woman) who’s handsome(term usually associated with attractive male) inferring that she looks like a man.

Girl A: this girl said I look ugly today! 🥺
Girl B: let these handsome hoes tell it I look worse than u! 🙃

by Parriiiiii January 5, 2023

Catchy hoe

A hoe once you fuck her you can't stop fucking her , stand for my nigga Who said "catchy hoe" instead of catchy flow

Nigga 1 : that thot is hot as fuck
Nigga 2 : yeah she's a catchy hoe, once you try her you can't stop fucking her

by Catchy hoe September 5, 2017

Bendy hoe

a. Sounds like; pendejo... when a white person is trying to convey a sarcastic Trumptardery attitude to their significant other in a racist yet loving manner about the silliyness of all that divides.
b. A limber person who likes intercourse in any place at any time any way....

Hey do you think that bendy hoe came from that mexican bad word pendejo? No honey that's not the same thing.

Does your girlfriend stick to the floor when she squats? She's a bendy hoe...

by bendy hoe July 7, 2019

outhoe the hoest hoe

Fuck the nigga that has a lot of bodies

a nigga that is a full pimp

im going to outhoe the hoest hoe at the party

by maia682 July 9, 2021

How to change a hoe to a boss

you can’t.....she belongs to the streets🗣‼️

How to change a hoe to a boss- you tryna help them to get money

by Tryna help a hoe 101 November 17, 2020

Granbury hoes

Trash just absolutely disgusting, only date the type of guys who think they’re hard or named Edgar/Omar. Don’t waste your time the dime pieces already left this shit hole.

All these Granbury hoes the same- shoutout juicewrld

by FilmaWang April 19, 2022

Mod Hoe

A girl or guy who seeks out modders for free modz

This girl is such a mod hoe, she keeps asking to trade pics for free modding.

by Flintstones Modz February 22, 2019