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ding dong ditch

Da Hood related
1. Being a camouflage of the road and knocking on someone's door. The owner of the house may or may notice you.
2. Knocking on someone's door, running and then hiding.

The girls just ding dong ditched us.

by defined word definition July 27, 2023

Ding-dong Ditch

Running up to your s/o at full tilt, slipping a single finger in for a second then running away while laughing maniacally

My girlfriend kicked me out after I Ding-dong Ditched her

by TechTalos July 31, 2021


Ditching school to babysit

MC will be baby-ditching school tomorrow.

by DixieLola October 31, 2019

stick ditch

Female name for a dirty vagina that swallows men while never to be seen again. Many foreign objects can be found in that stick ditch such as lint, car keys, lighters etc.

That girl Colleen has a real dirty stick ditch. Has anyone heard from Larry!? The last time he was seen was entering the infamous stick ditch

by Stick ditch December 26, 2017


A sewer rat, or perhaps 'gutter trash'. Old prussian slang for Berlin street boys used as sperm banks by the germanic aristocracy.

"Mein uncle vos a ditch-fox, unst his child vill be a ditch-fox as vell!"

by bubbleboy69420 March 15, 2018

ditch bison

A very unfortunate looking female. More times than not a heavy set female. Looks like something that was struck and left in a ditch.

Damn, that broads a total ditch bison

by Detwaa9 March 6, 2014