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always slags and heart breakers always treat men like shit

person1: your talking to a "leah" get rid of her now she's a right slag

by rtthjhfgrweqtfyg February 27, 2022


She's fun, fierce and all kinds of fine!!!! Her energy is electric and infectious, everyone wants to be her friend. A deep thinker, she's passionate, caring and would give you her last chip 🍟 If you come across a Leah, she's definitely funnier than you! She will laugh and cry with you and ultimately she's the most awesome friend you could ever imagine.

Leah, it's time for chippies!
Leah; Yaaaaaaaas Queeeeen

by D-Dogg88 May 28, 2022


she is pretty and so forgiving she tends to be nice

Aden: u look nice
Leah:u too

by leah is hot June 19, 2022


Leah is an amazing kind person and is super intelligent. They are a very sweet person and you NEED a Leah in your life. (PS: They love ramen and Kraft dinner)

Person: Man, I'm starving.. and I have nothing to do..

Leah: *Cue super hero music* Here I am to save the day dah dah dah dah.. Here is a comfy couch and mario cart. The ramen is boiling.

by luluwazhere July 11, 2022


Basically the best. The most beautiful, lovely, caring, cute, sweet stunning girl. Beautiful from the outside and inside as well. A girl with a heart from gold.

Dffjfnfnfnd leah

by R0bbler March 17, 2017


Leah is so amazing <33 She is so sure of herself ,but yet overthinks so often which she know she doesn't have too. She can also be very sarcastic which make her personality 10x better.

Leah is so hot

I <3 Leah

by leah_faith316 March 18, 2022


Yeah, Leah a hoe from the hood. She belongs to the streets

Yeah, Leah a hoe from the hood. She belongs to the streets

by DaStreets November 23, 2021