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Mexican Trunk Muffin

When you stay the night as a guest at someone's home that you are nit particularly fond of and they have a sofa fold out bed, in the morning, take shit on the bed, then fold it back up for a surprise they will be sure to love the next time they use it.

Derek: " Yo you spend the night at your ex's house last night?"

Jake: " Yea bro, we finished all the legal documents for the divorce, by time we were done it was late and I had a little bit to much to drink. She let me crash on her sofa bed couch. That morning before she woke up, I took a huge shit that came out like soft served ice-cream in the middle of the sofa bed. I pulled the sheet & comforter up over my nasty, smelly shit, then being the polite guest that I am, folded the bed back into the sofa. HA! THAT'S WHAT THAT BITCH GETS FOR TRYING TO GET HALF OF EVERYTHING I OWN FROM ME!!"

DEREK: " WOO HOO HOO! No way man, you left her a Mexican Trunk Muffin?! Man I wish I could see her face when she finds that!"

by LizziAlchemy December 4, 2022

Slam Dunk In The Trunk

A sex move where one person shoves a basketball into another persons ass.

Steve: I gave my gf a Slam Dunk In The Trunk last night!
Bruce: Wow you fit the whole ball in there?
Steve: Yeah I made it work.

by Ya boi Sero June 21, 2022

trunk flip

Something when you shiz in someones mouth then you french kiss them. Reason why because "trunk" = asz or poop "flip" = flip from anal hole to mouth hole

Dude that girl pissed me off i got her drunk and trunk flipped her

by Not a trunk flipper March 16, 2014