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1.Leah can take a gray sky and paint it blue
She can put the smooth in the 90 proof
She can hang the moon in a sundress
Even put a sinner on a front pew. She can make a shining diamond out of West Virginia coal. She can put a smile on a weeping willow.

2. See definition for PERFECTION

3. See definition for BEAUTIFUL

That’s leah

by Aahhhahaha August 24, 2023


Leah is the sweetest girl you will ever come across. She knows exactly what she wants in life, and will do whatever she can to get that. She is strong , brave , kind and overall just perfect. Her eyes are a dazzling brown and her hair flows so neatly behind her. She knows exactly what to say / do in difficult situations and will forever have this heart full of gold. If you ever meet a girl named ‘Leah’ be thankful. That girl has been through so much, yet she’ll still manage to make you smile. (Even on the bad days). <3

Leah. will know what to do when you’re having a bad day :)

by Leahsgirlfriend July 31, 2022


a very nice sister even though raised by crazy mother
also SUPER quiet

Savithi/Mother - Hai daughters
Maya/Sister - Hay mother
Leah - (Waves)

by Pupxy/Daughter/Sister/Neice July 6, 2023


A book-smart student, always willing to learn new things. Leahs are often found sleeping in a bed at night. They are often found crushing on males whose names typically start with N. They are typically pondering the color purple sometimes wishing to be that color. When they do try to be that color they oftentimes fail miserably. Leahs whose name is pronounced Lee-ahhh are much kinder than Leahs whose name is pronounced Lay-ahss.




The most beautiful and warm and motherly and humble soul that I have seen outside of my club.

ummmmmm, can you not provoke me to feel guilt with Leah?

by MatrixEnergeticWar September 27, 2023


Leah is a drop dead gorgeous female. What else do you want me to say?! The fuck? Go fucking eat some soggy ass fries like the fat ass grouch you are. Like come on. Loser!

Leah is leah and leah is queen. And I like that

by Schany June 9, 2021


The most amazing girl in the world - tends to have ginger hair - also has a uncanny resemblance to The Batman and some-what Fiona from Shrek!

Hates Sun, Loves A Older Male - 18 years + the older.

Hey, that girl over there is such a Leah! ---- Na na na na na na na na na na na na na, BATMAN!

by Romesh Ranganathan April 14, 2023