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Jaws (event)

A period (menstruation)

Person 2: why do you look so down?
Person 1: Jaws (event) is starting tomorrow

Person 2: oh shit, if you need any tampons just ask

by GalacticKiwi November 14, 2021

Moose Jaw Warriors

This team either sucks more ass than you can imagine, or is the best team in the WHL. Similar to my balls, this team is located inside of the jaw of a moose.

Dumbass #1: “Hey, wanna go to the Moose Jaw Warriors game?”

Dumbass #2: “Only if we can dump popcorn on the Swift Current Broncos fans.”

by Cool Dude (Real) April 22, 2023


When one fill their mouth jizz, rests the testicle on their chin or throat, and then opens and closes the jaw bouncing the testicles up and down.

I got lock jaw last saturday from too much jaw-knobbing

by #jizzyjay May 24, 2024

Shovel Jaw

When someone has a jawline that is very wide, in resemblance with a shovel head

Jason: Yo dude look at my jawline
Jack: Damn thats nice look at mine
Jason: You have a shovel jaw

by urg34278g5ryw4er8ewgr8 July 2, 2020

Shovel Jaw

When someone has a jawline that is very wide, in resemblance with a shovel head

Jason: Yo dude look at my jawline
Jack: Damn thats nice look at mine
Jason: You have a shovel jaw

by urg34278g5ryw4er8ewgr8 July 2, 2020

Sof Jaw

extremely sensual oral sex with the upper and mid section of a female’s inside jaw

My ex-girlfriend had some good ass Sof Jaw when we were together.

by Onifc83 September 10, 2019

snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

When in online gaming, your or the enemy team does something incredibly stupid in the last minutes of a match, that it costs yours or the enemy team the victory.

We won the match, thanks to the enemy team, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

by Shasol December 3, 2019