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Oh my hole

A spin off of the phrase oh my god used all around ireland. Can be used if ones suprised to hear something.

Oh my hole i cant believe how drunk i got last night

by Anon45654638 October 29, 2019

Oh my witch

Oh my witch; a replacement for oh my lord to be used when you’ve found a witch

Abbreviated as omw

Is that a witch store? Oh my witch-

You see that witch hut? Omw it’s authentic

by Acquainted Memory February 18, 2022

Oh my bloody hell

Used When you are very angry at someone and you are also Indian

Oh my bloody hell Lewis why would you kill my family

by Mr gautam biggest intelligence May 3, 2020

Oh my narshe!

An exclamation that expresses both surprise and pleasure; a combination of the phrases "Oh my God" and "Nice!". The phrase "Oh my tart!" can be used as a substitute, with tart meaning tight (in the sense of cool or sweet).

Person 1: Hey, we have some left over pizza, do you want to get in on this?

Person 2: Oh my narshe!

by musicguy1214 July 14, 2010

Oh My Tom

An anagram from Tom: OMT stands for "Oh My Tom". Doug Walker: The Nostalgia Critic. (Matrix Month 2015: The Matrix movie Review).

"Tom is an anagram for OMT. Oh My Tom." - Doug Walker The Nostalgia Critic.

by TheHeroKing April 19, 2023

Oh my gosh Ronnie

Also commonly used as Ronnie bro, this phrase was first established upon the streets of Amsterdam.

A high individual constantly amazed, astounded and amused by his surroundings would often result in the words “oh my goshhh ronniiiieee” when In combination with his inner excitement.

This soon became a movement amongst friends and eventually the movement became so large, McDonald’s even named their double Bigmac, the double Ronnie. It can be used as a greeting, an expression of excitement, the possibilities are endless.

“Oh my gosh Ronnie” “RONNIE BROoo” “YO, RONNIE BRO” You reach into your pocket and find the weed you thought you lost: “RONNIEEEE”

by PFresh November 26, 2020