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Galvanized Square Steel And Eco Friendly Wood Veneers

Galvanized Square Steel And Eco Friendly Wood Veneers is a TikTok meme that originates from 'Home Design' videos which commonly feature Little John, his Wife, their accidental 1 billion children, his Aunt, and his pet cat (a tiger)

Little John's Aunt was horrified when she saw him buying more Galvanized Square Steel And Eco Friendly Wood Veneers, she knew he was going to ask to borrow more expansion screws from her later.

by jananajorange May 27, 2024

robert steele rodgers

Has the biggest, most juicy, fat horse cock known to man

Dude, did you see that Robert steele Rodgers!

by Eeeeeeeeeeere May 20, 2022

Oliver Steele

A dodgy af teacher who used work at some shit school also known as CCHS. He was best known for his best looks, but we all knew he was a pedo who was destined to be with the other perverted teacher_Mrs Greenland_. He was one of the only school teacher on insta with more than 100 followers. He also vlogged for a while in order to pursue a youtube career. Lets just say that that slightly downhill. Once he left CCHS, his insta was filled with random dumbass stories and some people thought he was on crack. We all don't miss and hope he never comes back.

Never vlog yourself eating a subway. you are turning into an oliver steele

by xxxcccxxx November 5, 2019

Steel Bazooka Boner

a steel bazooka boner is a dangerous one. it's harder, longer and ticker than an ordinary boner or steel boner. It's more common for Africans to obtain a steel bazooka boner.

yesterday I picked up this steel porn girl and I got a steel bazooka boner right away!

by haakonekseth July 20, 2019

steel drain pipe

a steel drain pipe is a common form of torture the mafia uses which is when someone grabs a steel drain pipe and aggressively caves your skull in

Mafia Boss:hey Tony wheres the $50,000 you owe me

Tony:i....i do....dont have it yet

Mafia Boss:give him the steel drain pipe Marco
Marco:sure thing boss
Tony:no....no.. please i have a family

by mr georgy the handgun September 26, 2023

Steel Windpipe

When someone takes a lot of huge loads, more than 3 and they start choking and make a Whoooof sound; it sounds like your windpipe is made of steel.

Yo German, Marcus, and Tyler want to go steel windpipe Amber?

by DEEPASS March 31, 2011


adj. Extremely stubborn, especially when forced to change a habit.

iBook G4, a laptop ten years old and severely obsolete, was a sign that he was very steel-toed about upgrading computer equipment.

by joedizzle August 12, 2015