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bat paradox

A delusion; To detach someone or something from its reality. To elevate someone or somethings station in a contradicting manner

Batman is just a man,but fist fights gods into submission? That's one hell of a bat paradox

by supercomicman November 16, 2014

the lost mind paradox

When somebody would loose their mind, they wouldnt be able to know, because they wouldnt be able to find it back.
Therefore, when somebody says that they lost their mind, it is unlikely that they did.
Also, asking someone if they lost their mind is quite a futile question.

the lost mind paradox:
Have you lost your mind?
Yes, I have lost my mind!

by ChrizzleTheWhizzle September 16, 2019

Bloody Paradox

Any zoomer or millennial that is hyper. Commonly making gay jokes and doing offensive bullshit. Common phrases are, "LMAO UR GAY!"

Commit to the bloody paradox

by April 30, 2021

Gammon Paradox

Someone that wants to keep their sovereignty yet rejects that very same sovereignty.

This occurs primarily when a Gammon that voted for a hard Brexit to get their sovereignty back, has a fit due to the law of the land (sovereignty) going against their wishes.

Or, when the act of a proroguement was deemed by a Gammon that it was not used for 'particular purpose' (i.e. Brexit), yet the Gammon insists the 'particular purpose' was affected by the deemed illegality of said proroguement.

"This is a prime example of a Gammon Paradox, as he insists the supreme court is the bad ones in all this, but the courts are part of our sovereign state."

by Streakin-Bacon September 25, 2019