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Rug Nugs

Rug nugs are the little specs or nuggets of toilet paper often found in the vulva or anus after a woman urinates or poos. More often than not they are found during cunnilingus or ass eating.

I collecting four rug nugs when I ate Stacey box.

It’s not her smelly ass that puts me off, it’s her brown rug nugs.

by James the Jaffa September 10, 2022


Taking clothes that you are too lazy to put away and stuffing them under a rug.

Sophia put her clothes in her rug-closet to clean her room faster.

by Wathay6908 November 15, 2016

Rug Burn

When someone has Chlamydia, and has a hairy downstairs.

I have such rug burn right now.

by Zipwubadub April 1, 2016

Rug Burn

When you spend $500 plus on dances at a titty bar and only end up with a rash above your knee.

Bro, I got so many dances at Carl’s last
Night, that one bitch gave me rug burn!

by Rug Bern October 2, 2021