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The voice of holland

where judges and band leaders fuck the people who do blind acts.

man 1: did you hear about the voice of holland?
man 2: yeah, they raped her ass!

by Fuck u that has the name mate January 20, 2022

Ancient voices

When the voices in your head come back, but they sound old as shit

I keep hearing ancient voices in my head

by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 6, 2023

voice mailer

1. (v) When you miss a friend's call and when you call them back, it goes to voice mail.

I called Joey back after I missed his call, but he didn't answer, what a voice mailer.

by DaDankPotato May 10, 2016

Video Game Voice

The voice used by someone when they are concentrating on their video game and may not be truly listening. This could include a lack of interest, and sarcasm that is not pronounced.

Gamer: What's up?
Person: Not much, just saw a baby elephant.
Gamer: That's the coolest thing ever.
Person: I can't tell if you are serious or not. You are using your Video Game Voice

by ScholasticPrincess June 5, 2013

The manga had better voices

When A dub of anime is so trash, that people joke saying that the manga has better voices

This dub is horrible, The manga had better voices

by Brachios August 3, 2021

raspy voice

a voice that is a bit crispy 🤤🤤

Person 1: “ayo did you hear shanice talking yesterday”
Person 2: “yea her voice sounded hella crispy”🤤
Person 1: “raspy voice” 😌

by 🐩 puppy person April 11, 2021