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Fact buddy

A fact buddy is an individual with whom one exchanges factual information on a frequent or infrequent basis.

There are rarely discrete terms of commitment or participation agreed upon verbally or in writing between the concerned parties. The very nature of the bond between fact buddy and fact buddy is a deep understanding and appreciation for facts. Presumably, both individuals are lifelong learners that act as sponsers to each other, offering a safe and encouraging environment where one may share knowledge without being deemed pretentious or condescending.

“Hey Dude, how bout this weather eh? Gorgeous sunrise!! Sweet surfing mate!”
“Yeah brah. It may look nice, but I read that the color is often due to the level of pollution in the air.”
“Seriously? I never knew that. Interesting.”
“True story. Can you hand me my blue sun sunnies dude?”
“They’re actually cyan.”
Righteous dude. We both learned something today and didn’t take insult. We are the best fact buddies!”

in the office ten years later ..

“Can you hand me that pen dude?This pencil is smudging everywhere.”
“Actually, this pen is a gel pen, which is notably far less superior than a fine print ball point steel barrel .3 mm pen. -If smudging is the variable you are most concerned with. -You could do gel, but you want to make sure you have quality paper that can absorb the ink quickly as it takes longer to dry than a ball point. Otherwise you may find the pencil more tolerable.”
“Thanks fact buddy, do you happen to have one I can borrow? I’ll have to look in to getting better writing utensils!”
“We make the best recommendations for one another.”
“I know. I love your smiles encrusted knowledge bombs.”

by Contriveme July 5, 2018

Triple Facts

When something is three times the facts, no cap.

Bro, that chick's got a fatass.

Yo, that's triple facts.

by sir leton March 4, 2022


FOOMA Facts are made up facts that the person stating them pulled the facts From Out Of My Ass. F.O.O.M.A.

87% of all statistics are made up on the spot. They are just FOOMA facts.

Q: Where did you get those statistics Joe, they really impressed the boss?
A: Those were off the cuff, FOOMA Facts.

by Scooterius Deus Rex October 4, 2017

Feargal Fact

is a statement made by an individual that is once said is clearly wrong and full of obvious errors

The other heard, Gemma told me a Feargal Fact that everyone in Switerzland has access to a nuclear bunker with Sherk on constant repeat

by Jejwjajajja July 15, 2020

fact .vs. fiction

(A specific type dichotomy that the modern American media has trouble understanding): when an intelligent person becomes so corrupt, that by genetic consequence their bone marrow becomes corrupt, and as a result they can no longer tell the difference between lies and truth, even in their own speech

asking Hilary Clinton to explain the fact .vs. fiction dichotomy is like asking a goldfish why said goldfish breathes with gills underwater.

by Sexydimma October 1, 2017

fact .vs. fiction

(A specific type dichotomy that the modern American media has trouble understanding): when an intelligent person, maybe a lawyer by trade, become so corrupt, that by genetic consequence their bone marrow becomes corrupt, and as a result they can no longer tell the difference between lies and truth even in their own speech

asking Hilary Clinton to explain the fact .vs. fiction dichotomy is like asking a goldfish why said goldfish breathes with gills underwater; its absolutely meaningless because the goldfish wouldn't be able to understand my question and Hilary Clinton wouldn't know how to stop lying.

by Sexydimma September 14, 2016

fact .vs. fiction

A dichotomy that the modern American media has trouble understanding

How can Hilary Clinton the candidate, NOT Hilary Clinton the private citizen, understand what fact .vs. fiction is , if she doesn't understand that she is corrupt on a subconscious level?

by Sexydimma June 2, 2016