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tit jaw

(n) (insult) A big mouth. The owner of the tit jaw usually has a mouth that's too large, sometimes meaning they talk too much. Can also be used to mean that the person eats too much. Also used to evoke baby-like images of the person.

Damn, Natalie. He's got the body, but just look at that ugly tit jaw.

by The Other Shoe January 18, 2017


getting sucked off and then using teeth

she was jawing me

by ddaaiisyyyy December 1, 2020

Dome jaw

A term used to describe a woman who can't keep their mouth off any cock that cums her way

Dude: i started dating (insert hoes name here)
Dude2: really? Don't kiss (again, hoes name here) she has dome jaw

by Handlethese May 19, 2017

jaw flapping

A person who stands around in grocery stores or other places talking to people and your trying to get by them, they acknowledge you behind them so they ignore you and just keep on talking. Or when your talking to somebody but they don't give you time to speak they talk over you because what they have to say is more important than what you have to say.

in a sentence: You just keep jaw flapping about whatever, I have someplace to be and have important things to do!

by Nite_Wolf October 1, 2020