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MooMoo is a word that is used to call someone a cutie, A genuine word for someone you know that is being a cutie, or in uwu words adorable.

Ariya Stop your being such a Moo-Moo

Fae what's that?

Ariya a word for a moomoo person hehe

by FaeToko September 21, 2022

Mooing Duck

The sound one makes when they make a second YouTube channel because they lost the first one.

I've had too many copyright strikes and I lost everything. The sound of mooing duck Let's hope this second channel is better...

by Howdowordsdo July 29, 2024

midnight moos

Midnight moos is when you have a girl over but she was gross, or just bad! Like a cow.. moo

“bro, how was last night, was she good??”
nah fam, it was midnight moos”
jeez, she must of been bad”

by Punanichicken December 12, 2019

Miri moo

It’s a type of cow that comes out within ur iner spirit. For example if u BELIVE in the Miri moo power it will come out in u and u will go crazy

Miri moo did a big poo

by May 25, 2022