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Chief's white root cream

The magic potion that will cure any ailment

Person 1) "My pussy hurts today"

Person 2) "maybe you need a little Chief's white root cream for that"

by Chief of Geist July 23, 2023

Any number that can be written by dividing one integer by another-in plain English, any number that can be written as a fraction or ratio. (An easy way to remember this is to think of rational’s root word “ratio.”)

Any number that can be written by dividing one integer by another-in plain English, any number that can be written as a fraction or ratio. (An easy way to remember this is to think of rational’s root word “ratio.”)

Any number that can be written by dividing one integer by another-in plain English, any number that can be written as a fraction or ratio. (An easy way to remember this is to think of rational’s root word “ratio.”)

by Adlane33 March 13, 2021

4👍 1👎

from my roots to my boots

From top to bottom. Completely throughout. Head to toe.

In reply to: "you got that Chicago in you"
"From my roots to my boots"

"She's nasty. She need a clorox shower from her roots to her boots. Even then, I wouldn't fuck her."

by exdewbeegirl September 1, 2015

Mug root beer

Ichor, the blood of the gods, pent up into a small aluminum can. It is said to bring all who worship, drink, and admire it to Valhalla. The bulldog on the front of the can is a representation of power, sanctity, and bravery. And if you drink A and W, fuck you.

Well, I’m a mug blooded American ya hear? My veins are flowin with nothin but mug root beer

by DiaperBuster June 13, 2023

Rusted Root

When a man has a ‘semi’ erect penis.

Derived from Rusted Roots’ song lyrics for ‘Send Me On My Way’ being misheard as ‘I’ve got a semi on the way’.

I have a rusted root.

You’re giving me a rusted root.

by _Azriel_ September 3, 2022

root room

A designated room at a party for rooting.

*Eshay to the host* "oi cunt where ya root room?!"

by Mintchgonk November 24, 2020

root room

A room in a house party designated for rooting.

Esh to the host: "oi cunt where's ya root room"

by Mintchgonk November 24, 2020