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Bruce li

Just a rich handsome hot guy

Wow that guy is such a Bruce Li

by randoimdasdasd May 30, 2023

rip off bruce lee

its when mixed Asains who have american names act tough to impress a girl or their homies but they look like a dollar store version of bruce lee

my friend started cursing me out in chinese and american so I had to expose his rip off bruce lee lookin ass

by 我会踢你的屁股 February 3, 2020

Bruce (Slang)

A term that uses Bruce as a adjective, often used like "cool" or "awesome". This slang only exists in the world of Randy Cunningham, 9th Grade Ninja and nowhere else. Tbh that might be for the best.

Guy : that was so Bruce (Slang), I nearly cried.

Gal : I know right? I just wish I could see that again!

by Atypical Guy May 29, 2024

bruce laird

The sus guy in the friend group

Your such a bruce laird

by GangaGeorge November 17, 2021

little Bruce

Someone who is not little at all. He is actually tall af!

Wow! Who is that tall guy over there?

Oh it’s little Bruce!

by Catluvr_69 October 5, 2022

bruce glenn

Bruce Glenn (aka country blumpkin) is the greatest NHL series hockey player of all time. Bruce is the creator of the windmill deke, and the most defensive player always on the ice.

Bruce Glenn is a great accountant!!

by Nhl#3 February 5, 2023