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You're wrong Em

Maurice loves you more and this is proof

Emily: "I love you more Maurice"
Maurice: "You're wrong Em!"

by King_felix_121 May 30, 2020


Accidentally using the wrong social media account to utter personal, offensive, or otherwise noticeably off-brand statements.

The wrong pipe may be used either by software glitch or user error (forgetting to switch accounts); the former holds slightly more water with an angry employer.

After wrong-piping about her boozy weekend shenanigans one time too many, Heather was fired from her corporate social media job.

by Wrongpiper December 16, 2011

Wrong Direction

What we call One Direction when they break up.

Man: Have you heard about Wrong Direction?
1D Fangirl: No.
Man: Shit, you're late girl. It's a band we used to call One Direction.

by Ziggurat_ May 15, 2015

I was wrong

When Ann admits she was wrong. As I’m not correct. WRONG. Especially when she is talking about The Rock.

Ann looked at Brian and said, “I was wrong”. As she normally is when she’s talking about The Rock

by Bk102886 November 11, 2020

I was wrong

The one phrase a malignant narcissist will never utter, preferring to see the destruction of the world and everything in it first.

"I was wrong about the virus, wrong about the pandemic, wrong about masks" Trump pleaded. "So wrong. I was wrong about climate change, please forgive me, I see how we've desecrated our beautiful home and I have contributed hugely. I was wrong about the very fine neo-nazis, totally, and about separating Hispanic children from their parents, wrong about my own IQ, and I frankly don't know how I will ever live with my many mistakes." Trump kept up the litany, rending his clothing and falling to his knees, and my alarm gave way to my alarm clock, and I got up to a day of working from home. Again.

by Monkey's Dad September 15, 2020

Wrong kind of Hobo

means that the person is not to be trusted and a bad character. He could be aggressive or just simply not a nice guy.

-"Alex gave 3 kids a black eye last week... This guy is mean!"
-"I'm telling you, he's the wrong kind of hobo."

by s.skaterxds March 31, 2011

stepped in the wrong hood

Lil foo tryna scrap not know in where they steppin nd get merked

Whatcha want cuddie? U stepped in the wrong hood dawg this aint fa u!

by ♥+ April 4, 2017