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A very nice and caring girl. She’s a keeper. There are sometimes when she can get a little mad but overall she is a sweet kind person. Not only that blessing is stunning but has to be told cause sometimes she forgets. She also loves heavy and falls in love quick which causes her heart to get broken easily. But don’t underestimate all that niceness cause blessing will cuss a bitch out and fuck a bitch up if needed But that’s blessing don’t lose her

Drew: who is that stunning girl over there?
Chai: u don’t know who that is? That’s blessing. She’s gonna be mine one day

Drew: not before I get her

by Thatonehotgirlatschool September 2, 2021


The blackest, most darkest nigga you well ever set your eyes upon

Blessing is dark as fuck

by ojaoisahfiofhioehqwrqiwohwqoid October 27, 2022


1. Latin American slang for an unplanned child.
2. To have sex, esp. unprotected sex that could lead to pregnancy

1. Sorry man, can't go out tonight, gotta take care of my blessing.
2. Extensive references of "blessing me" by Mura Masa x Pa Salieu x Skillibeng

by Dauzinho September 24, 2023


Blessing is usually annoying and usually have big noses and bad at singing

U suck blessing

by chicken092462 December 29, 2022


A Blessing is someone who has a deadly waist line and likes corey someone.

I think she is a Blessing beacuse she has a deadlyyy waistline

by abcdefgeverybodyknowimthemfg April 25, 2022


fattest bitch ever she’s the fakest bitch you’ve ever met talks shit about everyone

that’s blessing don’t go near her

by ellie473 July 18, 2022